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Tableau Projects

My Tableau Public page offers interactive dashboards.

ESPN radio discussed my solution to the rapidly changing college football landscape. This dashboard utilizes parameters creating sheet swaps, custom map images, and navigation buttons


Skills Demonstrated

  • Using college logos for map locations

  • Using a sheet swap parameter

  • Using Navigation buttons

  • Customized tool tips

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Munchy, an eCommerce pet supply company based in Los Angeles, has experienced significant growth in the Eastern United States. The welcomed sales increase created extremely high shipping costs. This dashboard provides solutions to reduce shipping cost


Skills Demonstrated

  • Calculated correlation coefficients

  • Created Market Basket Analysis

  • Used MAKEPOINT to find distance from a point

  • Created Caluclated Fields

  • Used Parameters to identify shipping quantity

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While training for the Glass City Half Marathon, I relied on this dashboard for training purposes. Visualizing my pace per mile and heart rate for each type of training run helped me finish a minute off of my 2 hour 15 min target time.  


Skills Demonstrated

  • Importing web data

  • Working with date time data

  • Creating dual axis charts

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