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Python Projects

What products do our customers prefer? Which marketing campaign works the best? Can we save money by consolidating fulfillment centers? Find the answers in this analysis.


Skills Demonstrated

  • Indexing

  • Groupby 

  • nunique to find number unique

  • Bar and line plots

  • Customized seaborn axis


When speaking with a friend, he suggested that movies are getting shorter and he referenced run times of Netflix documentaries, children movies, and Stand-Up specials as evidence. This exploratory data analysis on the netflix_data.csv will help understand if all movies are getting shorter over time.


Skills Demonstrated

  • Importing data from csv

  • Sub setting and filtering data

  • For loops to create customized color pallet

  • Scatter plot in matplotlib

  • Customized axis labels and title


In January 2021, Reddit users shorted the Game Stop stock resulting in an astronomical price increase. This time series analysis tracks and visualizes the process


Skills Demonstrated

  • Time Series Analysis

  • Creating Rolling Avarages

  • Normlizing Prices for Comparison

  • Candlestick and Line Charts

  • Modeling and Forecasting

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